
Past Musters

New South Wales (15)

Queensland (19)

South Australia (7)

Tasmania (11)

Western Australia (11)

Create a New Muster

This is a great way to invite fellow members to simply attend an informal social gathering and better get to know each other. However, prior to a new Muster being added to the Musters Page by the BOG Executive you will need to furnish the Committee with the following information about the proposed muster:
  • Title
  • State and location
  • Start date and end date
  • Description
  • Documentary evidence that the proposed site is approved for the purpose under environmental planning laws pertaining to the site
    NOTE: In absence of this document the BOG is unable to provide support for the muster to proceed. This support not only extends to insurance coverage but also to the use of the BOG website and/or BOG Facebook page in promoting and running the muster.
  • A draft program
When created the Muster will appear on this page and will post to the Forum to promote it amongst our members. People can register to join the Muster and leave a comment. You can contact Members individually by clicking through to their profiles and sending a Member Message or alternatively as a group by using the Email Attendees facility at the head of the Registration & Attendance page.

The Muster Organiser will be required to maintain a Record of Attendance being arrival date, time & signature and departure date, time & signature of all participants.

The Muster Organiser will provide the Committee a brief report, including the Record of Attendance, any donations made to charity or local community groups, and muster photographs. These will be published on the Website.

Financial support available from the BOG for running the Muster, which can vary from time to time, will be advised at the time of inquiry.

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Page Stats

Created: May 2015
Revised: June 2022
Latest Feedback: March 2025

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